Trinity Lutheran Church
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VANCO ONLINE financially secured box and the options for giving
Click the link below for instructions on how to use our QR code and to access our Giving page on your smart phone:
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church. Our doors are open to everyone. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere of loving acceptance, where people can grow spiritually through worship, friendships, fellowship, prayer and concern for the world. If you are searching for a church home or are currently a member, we want to extend a warm welcome to you!
For the 2024-25 season
2:15-5:30 PM
(anyone in school grades can attend)
To view the 2024 GIFT Christmas Program click on the link below it will be on our You-Tube channel
GIFT stands for Growing In Faith Together.
It's a FREE after school program where
students can learn about the bible, eat, play,
and have fun.
Where: Trinity Lutheran Church in Truman
When: FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAY EVERY MONTH (duing the school year)
Who: All school ages!
Transportation: Participants will be able to ride the bus
from school to Trinity.
Questions? call: Ashley Parish 507-829-9741
Worship at 10:00 AM
Facebook Online Worship streaming Live every Sunday at 10:00 am
(a recording of the service will be on this site the following Monday after services)
Click here for a library of our past worship video's
on our YouTube page
You can now make contrbutions to our church
thorough VANCO ONLINE for a one time giving
or the frequency of your choice
GIFT School: First and Third Wednesday's of the Month 2:15-5:30 pm . (Sept--May)
Communion is scheduled to take place the first and third Sunday’s of the month, check the calendar for any changes.
The Prayer Chain is available for all in need of prayer. God wants to hear from us individually, but he also listens as many gather together to ask his help in time of need. To become a praying member of the Prayer Chain contact the church office at 507-776-4781. |
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