Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

2019 is right around the corner (or is here).   I hope as you enter the New Year you are entering it with a sense of hope and possibility.   We have celebrated the birth of the Christ child… God in the flesh… who opened the eyes of many to the possibilities and the vastness of the Love that God has for us. 


I want to highlight a few things that I am looking forward to in 2019 and invite you into joining in the hope and possibility of the new year and who God is calling us to be as workers in the kingdom WITH God. 


Sermon Series for Epiphany - Why Jesus?    Join us on Sunday morning and Wednesdays as we work through the Gospel of Matthew answering the question Why Jesus?     Join us as we gather to discover not just Who is Jesus?  But Why         Jesus?   We know and proclaim that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  But how does this impact our daily living.   Join us as we hear stories from real people as they answer the question Why Jesus?   As we encounter scripture and think about how we answer the question Why Jesus?


GIFT programming - our Growing In Faith Together programming is joining young people and adults to weekly interactions around scripture and relationships with each other.  In Truman over 30 kids join us each week from 2-5:30, thanks to dedicated volunteers, snack providers, and those who organize it.  This is an energetic time of learning about God and building relationships with each other.  In Madelia, families of all ages gather around tables for a free Wednesday night meal at 5:45 and then worship together from 6:16-7:00.  During worship we hear the story, participate activities to enhance the Biblical lesson, and share in Holy Communion.   I invite you to join us in the new year…. As we grow in relationship with God and each other. 


Hope In the Heartland - Feb. 2nd Trinity in Truman will be one of the host sites for the Hope in the Heartland Event.   Join with theological leaders in discussion finding the hope and opportunities in ministry in rural America.   We will join with 8 other synods at 21 local gathering sites who engage in discussion around the challenges of small congregations that are facing … AND work together to imagine a future of that is not of gloom and doom but one of hope for small congregations.  Registration is $50 per congregation for as many as want to attend and $10/person for snacks and lunch.  IF THERE IS ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO HELP WITH SNACKS AND LUNCH PLEASE LET Pastor Krista know ASAP!


Equipping Congregations Day - Feb. 23rd in Wilmar.  Join other members of congregations in our synod for a day of worship, workshops and fellowship.  I am especially looking forward to the keynote by Benjamin S. Winchester titled Rewriting the Rural Narrative.   So often rural congregations can get stuck in focusing on what we need to do to keep our doors open and forget the business that we as children of God are called to be a part.  This scarcity and deficit framework tends to dominate how we discuss and envision our rural communities.   But did you know that since 1970 there are rich and diverse and positive trends in rural communities.  Learn how these important polite changes have been occurring across rural America and what that requires of us to rewrite the story of rural community.  Cost for the day $80/congregation for as many people who want to go.   This a great opportunity for the council and other congregation members who have a passion for our congregations to hear and explore different ideas and gather information.  If you are interest talk to Pastor Krista. 


I am looking forward to seeing how the Holy Spirit will continue to move through us this year.  I encourage you to find a way to engage in the life of Trinity in a new or different way this year.  Thank you for your faithful leadership and participation in the life here at Trinity.  Your sharing your time, talents and resources DO make a difference.  


Remember WE are blessed to BE a BLESSING!


Pastor Krista

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