Central Things             Grace, Mercy and Peace

These are three words upon which the church rises and falls, and dies and lives. These are three words under which we have lived for the past two years.

God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense. God redeems every situation that gives us grief and tribulation. There is no other religion in the history of mankind that preaches and proclaims such a message of grace and love. Christianity is that part of our lives that gives us hope in a future.

Kyrie Eleison (kur-ree-ay e-lay-son) begins our liturgy at every worship event. Lord, have mercy. This is not a cry of question, but a celebration of faith. We do not sing or speak these words in doubt but in faith, hope and love. We proclaim this promise and call upon God to remember his promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all our ancestors in faith. God has promise mercy to all people including us. It is ours from God our Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.

Peace I leave with you. The peace of God which surpasses all understanding and all human possibility, the peace that will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Not as the world knows, but as faith knows.

With these three words I depart your presence as your spiritual leader. With these three words I will enter a new ministry. All has come about for the best of all involved.

Originally, I was heading to a ministry of familiarity. By the grace of God, a different path was chosen by God for them.

Next, my name was submitted to three sites. Our Savior’s in Jackson, the two-point parish of Bethany and Trinity in Storden and Jeffers, and a four-point parish around the Wabasso area. All have advantages. I hardly see any negatives when it comes to leading God’s people. As guided by the Spirit, I have accepted a position at Storden/Jeffers. At 7/8 time I will be extending my seminary time into Spring 2016. I feel truly blessed to be chosen by God through these two communities. Please keep all communities in the search process in your prayers as I keep Trinity-Truman in mine.

Now may the grace, mercy and peace of God be yours as you move into God’s future. Amen               

  Vicar Kent Krumwiede

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